Irob Development Association (IDA) - Diaspora branch 2014 performance PDF Word

IDA's diaspora branch was officially established in March of 2014 in the USA. Mr. Tesfay Desta Adoumer from Denmark initiated the Idea of organizing all Irobs under one umbrella organization so that it is easier to discuss and tackle the ongoing economic and social issues of our people. He believed that it was only when we organize ourselves legally, as non profit and non-political organization that strictly adheres to Ethiopia's and international NGO laws and regulations that we can effectively address and resolve the multi faceted issues our people continue to suffer from. His tireless and persistence efforts made the Diaspora branch of IDA a reality. Tesfay began his initiative during the last months of 2013. At the first of its kind global conference call of Irobs on December 28, 2013, we had participants from four continents (North America, Europe, Australia, and Africa). At the conclusion of 6 hours of constructive and critical discussions by 60+ participants, seven volunteer ad-hoc committee members were given a mandate to research on how we can effectively get organized, to facilitate objective discussions with various Irobs as well as existing Irob associations, and get back to the mass with a practicable solution.

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Irob Development
Association (IDA)

Irob Development Association (IDA) is a non-governmental, non-political, and non-profit association founded to help the rehabilitation and sustainable development of the Irob people from Northern Ethiopia - Eastern zone of the Tigray region. Irobs who lived in Mekelle had initiated IDA, and it was officially established with the approval of the Tigray Regional Government in August of 2003 in Mekelle, the capital city of Tigray.

IDA was established with ambitious goals and plans intended to intervene the deteriorating livelihood of the Irob people in the countryside following the devastating Ethio-Eritrean war of 1998-2000 and harsh environmental degradation challenging their agriculture-led indigenous existence.

To further promote and help ensure the realization of IDA's objectives and vision, the Diaspora branch of IDA was officially launched in March of 2014 with its principal place of office in Aurora, Colorado - USA.

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